2 Harris Hill Road, Fulton, New York 13069
Three books
Thirty articles and reports
More than two dozen National Register nominations
Judith Wellman: historicalnewyork@me.com, 315-598-4387
The Road to Seneca Falls: Elizabeth Cady Stanton and the Beginning of the Women's Rights Movement
(University of Illinois, 2004)
Grassroots Reform in the Burned-over District of Upstate New York (Garland, 2000)
Landmarks of Oswego County (Syracuse University, 1988)
University of Illinois Press, www.press.uillinois.edu/
*Discovering the Underground Railroad, Abolitionism, and African American Life in Seneca County, N.Y.--
*Uncovering the Freedom Trail in Auburn and Cayuga County--www.co.cayuga.ny.us/history/ugrr/report/index.html.
*Following the Freedom Trail in Auburn and Cayuga County, N.Y.--www.auburncayugafreedomtrail.com/.
•Freedom Trail in Syracuse and Onondaga County, New York--www.pacny.net/freedom_trail/.
•Roads From Seneca Falls, a website for K-12 teachers and students--roadsfromsenecafallsk-12.net/.
•Underground Railroad in Oswego County--www.visitoswegocounty.com/tn/HistoricalSites
•1816 Farmington Quaker Meetinghouse--www.farmingtonmeetinghouse.org